Advantages and disadvantages of joint custody

When a couple divorces, child custody is one of the most important matters that needs to be addressed. It’s also an extremely emotional one, for both the parents and the children. This is why many couples opt for a joint custody arrangement, also known as shared parenting.

It should be noted that there are different types of “joint” custody. Joint physical custody means that the children typically spend equal amounts of time with both parents, while joint legal custody gives both parents the authority to make important decisions regarding the education, healthcare, and overall welfare of the children.  It’s an arrangement that has both firm advantages and potential drawbacks that should be discussed before making a commitment.

Joint custody: The advantages

In a joint custody arrangement, children maintain regular contact with both parents. This helps them move past the fear that the divorce may force them to choose one parent over the other and lessens the sense of loss and rejection that many children feel when one parent leaves the household. Continuous access to both allows them to simply focus first on the new living arrangement and then on growing up on schedule without dealing with feelings of anxiety and low self-esteem.

When putting together a shared parenting schedule, both parents force themselves to set aside bitterness and resentment and work as a team for the benefit of the children. This in turns presents them as good role models while reassuring the children that they are not responsible for the breakdown of the marriage. Younger children, in particular, tend to blame themselves for negative outcomes, and seeing their parents cooperate can calm their anxiety.

Joint custody can apply a reassuring sense of consistency to a child’s upbringing. There is no “Cool Dad vs. Strict Mom.” The rules are the same no matter whose roof they are under at any given time. This is also a benefit to the parents, as many single mothers and fathers burn out under the strain of raising their children alone. Shared parenting can provide much-needed support.

Joint custody: The drawbacks

Joint custody can present challenges that make the arrangement difficult to preserve. The biggest one is an ongoing willingness and ability to cooperate. If the parents disagree on an important matter, then arguments and a delayed decision will result, likely to the child’s detriment.

Parents who are committed to a shared parenting plan must be prepared to make some sacrifices. Taking a job in another city or even across the country can prove problematic. It is also possible that children who constantly move between households in a joint physical custody arrangement can become anxious and feel unsettled.

If you and your spouse are preparing to divorce and want to consider the advantages and disadvantages of a joint custody arrangement, then a New York family law attorney can help. While the suitability of a shared parenting setup will vary from one family to the next, your attorney can advise you on your options and help you make the right decision for your circumstances. The attorneys of Eskin & Eskin, P.C. offer free consultations and can be reached at 718-402-5204. They have more than 40 years of combined experience and handle family court matters such as child custody in Bronx County, New York. Visit to learn more.

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