Father’s Day after divorce

When you’re a recently divorced dad, Father’s Day can be tough. It traditionally celebrates a family bond that doesn’t feel quite the same when you are alone. It’s easy to forget that Father’s Day was originally started in honor of a single dad, William Smart, who raised six children after their mother died. With some preparation and adjustments to the celebrations you observed in the past, this upcoming Father’s Day and future can be just as special, if not more. Read the ideas below for some potential ideas for this upcoming weekend.

Stop worrying

Children have the uncanny ability to pick up on what you’re thinking and feeling, so before you meet up with them for Father’s Day, examine your own emotions. Are you uncomfortable? Still bitter towards for your ex? Neither bitter nor angry but simply sad? These feelings need to be examined and released so that you and the children can enjoy a worry-free holiday that truly celebrates your bond with them.

Be willing to communicate

If this is your first Father’s Day since the divorce and you have younger children, then they may have questions about new routines, what the celebrations will be like now, etc. The answers may be equally difficult, but your children should feel that they can talk to you about anything. Be open and honest after letting them say what they need to. Taking their ages and developmental state into account, explain how this year’s Father’s Day may be different for them, but emphasize that there will be new traditions that you are excited to share with them.

Emphasize quality time

Due to circumstances beyond your control, you may not be able to spend the entire day with your children. What you need to remember is that the actual amount of time matters less than what you do with it. Plan an outing that has a special significance, such as a visit to a favorite restaurant or a few hours at a park or other outlets you all enjoy. Shut off your smartphone and focus on celebrating each moment.

Make use of technology

If you are not able to spend Father’s Day with your children in person (perhaps you live too far away, or a work obligation has you in a different city), then you can still utilize technology to let them know you are thinking of them. There are even cloud-based programs that let you watch the same movie together while a video chat box remains open.

Father’s Day is your opportunity to remind your children how much you love them and are there for them. Whether you spend a day, a few hours, or a virtual visit with them, this is your opportunity to strengthen your relationship and keep it strong as the future unfolds.

If you are considering divorce or you have been served with divorce papers, you should contact the attorneys at Eskin & Eskin, P.C., a family law firm for family law needs. With more than 40 years of combined experience, they provide compassionate representation that is sought-after in all five boroughs of New York City. Call 718-402-5204 for a free consultation or visit www.EskinAndEskinLaw.com for more information.

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